Friday, January 28, 2011

Satan's lies are beginning to catch up to him.

More information comes in almost daily, it seems, confirming that America is sliding down the slippery slope, which was first provided by Roe v. Wade, at an alarming rate. Chuck Colson's Breakpoint, this morning, reports:
The statistic has everyone reeling: According to a recent survey, forty-one percent of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. Forty-one percent. Nearly half.
Now that is a shocking and sickening statistic, but the interesting thing about Colson's post is that it goes on to say:
But pro-choicers weren't too excited about this news either. The New York Times-hardly a pro-life bastion-reported, "No one is exactly celebrating. . . . Even abortion rights advocates expressed some concern about the numbers, trying to change the conversation to a broader one on reproductive health."
Colson makes the point that, when the pro-choice camp becomes alarmed at the statistics that their war on life have produced, it is a sure sign that they know instinctively that killing babies is wrong. In spite of the ongoing efforts of the pro-choice movement to tell us that a "woman's right to choose" is more important than the human being, imago Dei, that they are so interested in getting rid of, God has written on every human heart the message that human life is, in fact, sacred.

Satan and his minions, have had a heyday telling American women (and the weasely men who use them for their own pleasure, and are only too happy to pay for an abortion, instead of child support) to believe that the human being growing in that womb, is not really a human being at all. It is "fetal and uterine debris." Well, soldier, we know that Satan's primary tactic in this spiritual war is deceit. Oh, how willingly we swallow that deceit, when we want to indulge in a forbidden pleasure.

A woman has a right to choose, without doubt. But some choices are irrevocable. Once a woman has chosen to have sexual intercourse with a man, she had better be ready to accept the fact that the outcome could be a new human being (Psalm 139:13), a sacred being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). That's why God has instructed her to remain chaste until she is married to the man and they are ready and willing to take responsibility for nurturing that new little imago Dei. Otherwise, she may find herself contributing to the statistics that are now beginning to alarm even the pro-choicers. And she already knows, in her heart, that that is wrong.

(There are instances of rape and incest, in which the woman has not made a choice to have intercourse, and which may result in pregnancy. These cases present a moral dilemma, of course: should the woman be required to carry to term and rear a child who is not born out of love and responsibility, or should she be allowed to abort the pregnancy? The fact is that such cases account for only 1% of abortions in this country, whereas 93% of abortions are performed because the baby is "inconvenient." Another 6% are performed because of "health problems" of the mother or the baby (Source). According to these health problems leading to abortion break down as follows:

  • Risk to maternal health: 2.8%
  • Risk to fetal health: 3.3%)

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