Monday, June 13, 2022

Jesus loves the little children

We live in an age of information overload. One of the ways I overload my own information is by subscribing to the US Postal Service Informed Delivery service. The way it works is that you give USPS your email address, and they send a daily email showing you what to expect in your mailbox that day. Today it tells me I will be receiving some "junk" mail from Matthew Staver, who heads up an outfit called "Liberty Counsel." 

Staver keeps his finger on the pulse of political developments in Washington, D.C. of interest to Christians. The mail hasn't been delivered yet today, but based on the photo of today's mailing, this one is about the fact that the Democrat party is desperately trying to pass a bill legalizing abortion. They are terrified that the Supreme Court will soon overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 SCOTUS decision that has resulted in the murder of some 63 million American citizens. 

I am baffled as to why the Left is so bent on abortion. They claim to care for everyone under the sun: the aged, the working man, minorities, children (really?). Encouraging abortion just seems counter-productive. For example, they are always talking about preserving Social Security, including Medicare, to support us retired folk. In fact, they have even proposed Medicare (government funded health care) for everyone. But the funding for Social Security and Medicare is rapidly running dry, primarily because our elected "representatives" in Washington keep robbing it to pay for other important stuff, like overseas abortions and bridges to nowhere. 

If you are a working stiff (or have ever been a working stiff), you know only too well that that money comes out of your paycheck every week. And as the population grows older, there are more and more SS/Medicare recipients. Add to that the declining number of legally employed US citizens, and you get an ever increasing burden on the American worker to support all of these aging folks. So, tell me how killing off 63 million potential taxpayers is going to help keep Social Security afloat. And while we are at it, how does the ever increasing SS/Medicare tax (the result of an aging population and a shrinking work force) help the working man? And above all how does abortion help the children who have been slaughtered? Oh, and one more thing; the darling of the Left, Planned Parenthood, which is supported by your taxes and primarily exists to snuff out the lives of helpless, unborn children, seems to build its clinics in predominantly black neighborhoods. How is that serving minorities? Seems more like a thinly veiled attempt at genocide to me. 

So, what's your point, Tom? OK, here it is. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE.  This is a spiritual issue. How did the United States of America, founded, according to the Mayflower Compact, for the glory of Christ, come to this juncture? It's simple, really. If you are a Christian and are paying attention, you will realize that we Christians have not been paying attention. Over the last century and a half or so, we have ceded everything in our nation to the secular, political Left. 

Education in this country originally was focused on teaching the Bible. Young children were taught to read, using the Bible. Some of our most revered universities were founded for the purpose of training clergy: Harvard, Yale, Princeton among others. Then came the "enlightenment," "a movement of the 18th century that stressed the belief that science and logic give people more knowledge and understanding than tradition and religion."* Then came Darwin's naïve "discovery" that everything was created out of nothing by accident. 

In the middle of the last century, SCOTUS, which had been packed with secular humanists, ruled that prayer in schools, reading the Bible in schools, the Ten Commandments (which are the foundation of English Common Law, the progenitor of our own statutory legal system) posted in schools...all of these were declared to be in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment; to wit: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." Conveniently, ignored were the next two clauses: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech." 

And so, the tables were turned, and  the foundation of education changed, from teaching children moral living and basic skills like reading and writing, to the "socialization" of our children. In other words, public schools are now intended for experimentation in social engineering and  for the indoctrination of our children to reject God in favor of the state (or "science," if you like) and to reject truth in favor of nonsense. While the Left says it reveres "science," it only does so for the purpose of making science a foil for religion. If science becomes inconvenient in the pursuit of their goals to enslave our children, it too, is abandoned in the name of "equity" and "inclusiveness" and "diversity." 

So, what about the Democrats' mania to pass a national law enshrining abortion before Roe v. Wade is overturned? Well, if you are inclined toward political activism in the slightest, I encourage you to keep up a running dialog with your representatives and senators. Write them, call them, email them, text them, and let them know where you stand. Jesus told us we are the light of the world. But he went on to say a city on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do people light a lamp and hide it under a basket, but they place it on a lamp stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. 

Being the light of the world means shining that light into what Paul called the darkness of this present age. Even a city on a hill can be hidden by a dense fog. Let us be the generation that lifts the fog that has settled on the church in America. Let us take the lamp out from under the basket (the four walls of our church buildings) and shine it into all of the darkness that surrounds us. Jesus said He would establish his Ekklesia, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. What is Ekklesia? It is a group of people "called out" as a congregation. Why then do we keep "going in" to our church buildings. We have been called to be "in the world, but not of the world." Jesus prayed to His Father, "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one." (John 17:15). We are not called to be monks, we are "called out" of our comfort zones into the world to shine His light into the darkness. 

Our school children are lost, frightened, hopeless, desperate. They live in a world of darkness, confusion, insecurity. The public educators that we have hired to "teach," teach them that what matters is their feelings, not truth. And then we are astounded when one of these insecure, confused babies follows his feelings of rage, picks up a rifle and picks off a few of his classmates and "teachers." This is not truly an attack on individuals, it is an attack on the pent up rage of a child who sees no other way out of the darkness and pain inflicted on him by a once great nation that followed the Light, and then switched it off. 

Be the light in your sphere of influence. Teach your kids truth. Tell your school board you are not going to stand silently by, while they preside over the destruction of America's most precious resource, her children. Confer with your legislators so they know where you stand. Talk to your kids' teachers, the PTA, the school administrators. At the very least, VOTE! There is risk in doing these things, but like Esther, you were called for such a time as this. THIS IS WAR! Turn on your tac light, and get into the fray.


*“The Enlightenment.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Jun. 2022.

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